Tuesday, January 31, 2006

BOOKS - The Sea by John Banville (2005)
2 out of a rating of 5

Our book club recently finished and discussed John Bayville’s The Sea. The person who chose this book did a fair bit of research before picking a novel. The Sea after all had gotten incredible reviews from many major publications, looked very interesting and most important – had a gorgeous cover. After thoroughly discussing the book our club gave the Sea a 4/10. Yes, the language was beautiful, extraordinary, exquisite (and other adjectives) and at times it was hard for the reader to pull out of writer’s uncomfortable world of grief, misery and love. However, we came to the conclusions, the time shifts were confusing and basically there just wasn’t enough of a story to sustain our overall interest. This book won the Man Booker prize so it shows you what we know – or maybe it’s the Man Booker committee that doesn’t get it. :-)


Teena in Toronto said...

Nice review, Mon! I couldn't get passed page 31.

Teena in Toronto said...

Here's an interesting concept of a book club:
